I often hear the complaint that Pemberton is sooooo far from Perth, it's a 4 hour drive and waaaaaayyyy to long.
But that is part of the adventure.
I have always believed that you start your holiday the week before, or even earlier, when you start planning. So hope these little secret places can get you excited about your adventure.
I love saying goodbye to our little farm and all the animals before heading off, that's when it truely starts.
Not so secret stops such as the #crookedcarrot cafe and nature playground on the Forrest Highway just before the Binningup turnoff.
Or if you are going via Southwest Highway check out #MayGibbscottage in Harvey.
#DolphinDiscoveryCentre in Bunbury, #NilgiCave and the #BusseltonJetty in Busselton are all memorable and achievable stops on the way to Pemberton.
Heading down the South West Highway (it is truely the Harvest Highway) towards Pemberton there are even more treasures.
From the heritage and collectable shops in Balingup, to #ApplePlayground in Donnybrook, Kirup Syrup at the Kirup tavern, the #Jigsawgallery or #FordHouse in Bridgetown,
Farm roadside stalls enroute including Gallway Springs and their food collective (perfect to visit on the way home) before hitting Manjimup and the timber park.
South of Manjimup is where you will see our trees - and these magical forests hold a whole extra range of adventures.
So start your adventure with an extra stop along the way and make your holiday start the moment you leave your door.