Yes the 2017 Annual Beach Cleanup has come and gone - with an under average 6m3 of rubbish collected by our fab volunteers - great to see the beach so clean!
Thanks once again to the 20 plus members of TrackcareWA who made the effort to visit the region and stay at the Yeagarup Hut for a few days - it was most appreciated!
The Sunday was the ‘jump onboard’ part of the clean up with 5 fabulous volunteers plus ourselves cleaning from Lake Yeagarup to the Yeagarup hut.
Some of the quirky stuff we found included this ‘Kraken’ of a rope and a boat! The rope was dragged up the hill but dumped by others doing the right thing - we had enough people onboard to man handle it over the crest before dragging it through to the lake and into the trailer.
A huge thank you to Tangaroa blue ocean care society / Keep Australia Beautiful Council to organise the paperwork, bags and event; Parks & Wildlife for signage and extra bags and additional support and all our Marvelous volunteers who gave up their weekend to join us in keeping the coast clean. 😊