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2021 Annual Beach Cleanup

Join us this Sunday 14th November on our Annual Beach Clean up with members of #TrackcareWA

Volunteers are able to register here : also make sure you register with Graeme and Toni on 0427133335 (SMS is fine :)

Our annual beach clean up is held here in Pemberton over the 13-14th November with the fantastic team from Trackcare WA joining us to scour our beaches and pick up rubbish.

Volunteers are welcome to join us this year on the Sunday morning - contact Toni on Facebook or sms 0427133335.

We have been cleaning the Yeagarup side with Trackcare for many years –

Traditionally we find a lot of commercial boat rubbish, toilet duck and brushes, long lengths of rope and broken fishing pots.

With the 10c can collection available it makes it easy to recycle cans and bottles – and there should be no excuse for littering as our local schools and Sportsclub are fundraising using these 10c cans and bottles campers consume.

A massive thank you once to Grant from Trackcare WA for organising the Volunteers from Trackcare to head to Pemberton, Parks and Wildlife for their assistance with trailer hire, signage and park entry, Tangaroa Blue Ocean Care Society for their data collection, Keep Australia Beautiful Council for organising the insurance waivers that make this all possible and the Shire of Manjimup for use of the rubbish tip for counting and dumping.

Its on again so if anyone wishes to join us on a ‘free tour’ just let us know!




PO Box 316

Pemberton, 6260

Western Australia

Tel / 
Mob: +61 0427 133335


Tours operate daily - book online

Available by phone or email 24/7

Pemberton Discovery Tours Pty Ltd
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Pemberton Discovery Tours Pty Ltd acknowledges the Wadandi and Pibelmen people as the original inhabitants and traditional custodians of the land in and around the region we operate;

We acknowledge the importance of paying respect to the traditional custodians of the land, their Elders past and present and the continuing cultural and spiritual practices of local Aboriginal people;
We acknowledge the value of local Elders and traditional custodians and their intellectual cultural property and;
Ensure our staff and team understand the importance of Welcome to and Acknowledgement of Country.

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